Frequently Asked Questions
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- What are Automated Fraud Alerts?
Our systems are constantly monitoring members’ account activity for patterns or abnormalities that might indicate fraud. If a credit card transaction comes through that we are unsure of, we will automatically contact you via phone call, text message and email to help identify suspicious activity on your account.
- Can my parents transfer money from their account into my account?
Yes, your parents can transfer money into your account. You can do this with our Member to Member Account Transfer option in digital banking.
- What Debt Protection Packages are available?
LifePlus, LifePlus & Disability, Disability & Unemployment, LifePlus & Disability & Unemployment.
- Do I need to do anything to be eligible for Automated Fraud Alerts?
No. Every member with an Ascend credit card will receive the alerts. However, we encourage you to log in to digital banking to make sure your phone numbers are correct.
- What happens if I respond “no” to an Automated Fraud Alert?
If you do not recognize the transaction and reply “no,” you will receive an additional response prompting you to contact the Fraud Detection Department at 888-918-7313.
- What happens if I respond “yes” to an Automated Fraud Alert?
If you verify you made the transaction, you can continue using your card as you normally would. If the transaction was blocked, you will need to reattempt it.
- What happens if Automated Fraud Alerts go unanswered?
If you are unable to respond to an Automated Fraud Alert, next steps include:
- If the text message is not answered within 30 minutes, a digital call is made to the phone number on file. If there is no response, an automated message will prompt you to call the Fraud Detection Department at 888-918-7313.
- If there is no response within three hours of the message, a digital call is made to the phone number on file again; however, another message is not left unless the previous attempts were unsuccessful.
- If there is no response to any of the previous contact attempts, an email is sent five minutes after the final call to the home and work email addresses on file.
- If there is still no response, no further action will be taken by the automated service.
- At this point, it is up to the member to contact Ascend for assistance. The member’s card may be blocked and may be declined.
- Are Automated Fraud Alerts safe and secure?
Yes. Your security is our top priority. Our fraud alert messages will ask you to reply Yes or No to confirm charges. We will never ask for your account number, card number, PIN number or any other personal information via text message. If you ever receive a text message asking for any personal or identifying information, please do not respond and call us at 800-342-3086 immediately to report the fraudulent text message.