Changing Financial Institutions with Confidence
Switching financial institutions can often be tedious and daunting. Here's a checklist to make the switch with confidence....Read More
Switching is easy.
Switching financial institutions can often be an involved and daunting process. Here at Ascend, we've provided you with a comprehensive checklist to help you navigate the transition smoothly and with confidence.
Ready to make Ascend your primary financial institution? Once you've opened your new account with Ascend, you can follow the steps below to ensure you’re ready to close your old account.
1. Identify all automatic payments, direct deposits, and withdrawals you have tied to your old account.
2. Create a list of each service provider or organization associated with these automatic payments and withdrawals.
3. Contact each service provider individually to update your payment details with your new account information or use their website to update payment methods.
4. Keep a record of each service provider's confirmation and note any important dates or payment cycles to stay organized.
5. Monitor your old account for any residual automatic payments or withdrawals to ensure they have been switched to your new account.
6. Close your old account.
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