Tips to Maximize End-of-Summer Savings

Education | 08/30/24
A woman worryingly looks at her bank statement

As summer slowly starts winding down, it’s a great time to reflect on your financial goals and implement strategies to boost your savings before the end of the year. Whether you’re preparing for upcoming holiday expenses or building a nest egg, implementing smart strategies before summer fades away can set you up for financial success.

Let’s take a look at some end-of-summer saving strategies you can use to quickly build your savings.

Review and adjust your budget 

Take a close look at your budget and assess your spending habits. Identify areas where you can cut back or find more affordable alternatives. Consider trimming non-essential expenses, like dining out, unused or unnecessary subscriptions, and impulse purchases. Allocate your saved funds toward your short- and long-term savings goals. With the new season approaching, plan your budget accordingly, accounting for upcoming expenses, like cold-weather wardrobe essentials, increased heating costs, and holiday-related spending, as necessary. 

Optimize your energy usage

With the weather gradually cooling down, it’s a perfect time to ensure you’re optimizing your energy consumption. Utilize natural light whenever possible, keep the shades drawn during the hottest part of the day, and set the thermostat at the highest setting that’s still comfortable. These small changes can lead to substantial savings on your energy bill, leaving you with extra cash to put into savings.

Take advantage of end-of-season sales

The turn of the season is always rife with big sales and items retailing at bargain prices. If you’ve been eyeing a new set of patio furniture all season, or you’ve been wanting a new grill, this is the time to make your dreams come true without breaking the bank. As summer ends, look for discounted warm-weather clothing, outdoor furniture and equipment, gardening tools, and more. Stocking up on essentials frugally will free up more cashflow down the road. 

Automate your savings 

Consider automating your savings to make saving money effortless. Set up an automatic monthly transfer from your checking account to a specially designated savings account. This way, a portion of your income will automatically be set aside for savings without any monthly effort on your part. If your employer offers direct deposit, split your paycheck so a portion goes directly into your savings account. By automating your savings, you’ll be less tempted to spend that money, and it will steadily grow over time. Furthermore, by automating your money to go into an interest-bearing account, you can ensure you’re making the most out of your savings.

Summer may be fading out, but it’s not too late to boost your savings this time of year. Follow the tips outlined here for end-of-season savings.

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