2024 Photo Calendar
We want to feature your best landscape photo on the back cover of Ascend's upcoming photo calendar. Submit your best images of the state, whether they’re of the Smokies, our scenic rivers, or your favorite downtown.
Winners will be featured on the back cover of the 2024 Ascend wall calendar.
Requirements & Tips
Submitted photos must be shot within the state of Tennessee. That means no family beach pictures, pretty Grand Canyon shots or photos of Mt. Rushmore.
To be considered, your photos must be landscape/horizontal, not portrait/vertical. That means photos should be formatted wide like your TV, not tall like your phone.
Don't photograph people. Unless someone is unrecognizable, i.e. a silhouette, photos that contain people will not be considered for inclusion in the calendar.
Get creative! Tennessee’s nature spots are beautiful, but don’t leave out cityscapes.
Please check back soon for more information on how and when to enter.